You Think You Are Living

Another attempt at poetry

2 min readMay 22, 2024


You think you are living because your heart is beating, your blood flowing, your lungs pumping.

You think you are living because your age is rising, your wage increasing.

You think you are living because your bills are piling,

your new wheel is shining, and your deals closing.

You think you’re living because

each day you witness the sun rising and setting.

You think you are living because your life is split into patterns: wake up, dress up, hurry up, shack up, work up, and sleep off. A loop, a predictable program

You think you are living because your needs are met, your wants and desires. Oh well, those are two parallel lines

You think you're living because, like human-sized ants and bees, you're busy doing and having with not one moment of being.

You think you're living because you’ve been told that to live is to do, have. To compete, to win always.

You think you are living because you’re conforming, keeping within the lines, stabilizing the pyramid, and avoiding trouble all days.

You think you are living because your mood is good, your food, cool, your life soft, unflawed.

You think you're living because your bed is of roses, your spoon of silver, your coat of many colors.

You think you're living, but you're not

because life isn’t all pleasure without pain.

Life isn’t all pristine purity

without the messy quality of a stain.

You think you are living, but you’re not

because living sometimes is having those moments of unmet wants, unfructified desires,

and needs unsatisfied.

It is understanding the essence of being even without having or doing.

You think you are living, but you're not,

except you understand that living is complementing, nor competing

it is sharing, not winning.

You are not living until you realize that living is making a dent in the universe, making a difference in someone’s life.

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